Monday, May 9, 2011

Wednesday, 4/27 - Friday, 4/29

These 3 days I was hospitalized & had to stay 1 extra day (til Friday) because of having a c-section.  During these 3 days we had lots and lots of visitors!  Grandma & Grandpa Johnson came everyday along with Aunt Annie.  Grandma & Grandpa Harrison came by before they flew to Florida for a wedding.  the Micko's stopped by along with Nika (twice) & Lanka.  My friend & co-worker Leah stopped by too!  It was nice to see everyone!

Every morning Tim & I just laughed because from about 7:30am until noon there would be a constant flow of hospital "people" coming into our room for things.  The nurse to get my vitals/assessment, then to check the baby out, then the doctor to come check me out, then the pediatrician to check Livi out, lactation consultant, clinical educator, photography lady, etc.  I would have plans to take a shower every morning and usually I wouldn't get in the shower until after noon.  It was crazy!

Another thing I was surprised by was how sore I was after surgery.  I know, I know - I had major abdominal surgery.  But do you know how many times you use those abdominal muscles for the smallest things.  I was supposed to get up and walk in the halls at least 4 times a day and when we walked in the halls we could take Livi with us in the bassinet.  Just pushing the bassinet hurt.  Getting in and out of bed was not fun!  I was taking Motrin every 6 hours around the clock and then Percocet every 4 hours as needed.  Every time the nurses would bring in my pain meds they were pretty good about bringing in some crackers to eat too to help protect my stomach.

Breastfeeding was a big task for me while at the hospital.  I felt like I wanted to have this breastfeeding thing down to the point I felt comfortable with it  before discharge because I wouldn't have a nurse available 24/7 to help.  Breastfeeding was & is stressful.  I don't like that I don't know how much she eats at each feeding - is Olivia getting 1/2oz or 2oz or 4oz???  I have no idea.  One of the nurses told me I should have Livi nurse for 15-30 minutes at a time.  Livi would eat really well for about 5-10min and then putz out.  How in the world was I supposed to keep her awake for 30 min. to eat!?!?!?  I was baffled!  My last evening in the hospital I was getting very frustrated with breastfeeding and my nurse that evening offered to get my a hospital breast pump to see if I could pump some milk out to supplement Livi if needed.  The nurse really didn't think I would pump that much but I ended up pumping about 1.5oz!  She was shocked and so was I.  She showed me how to supplement Livi with breast milk with a dropper.

Livi was born at 7lbs 3.6oz and by day 2 she was 6lbs, 9oz which was a 7% weight loss.  I know all babies loose weight right after birth and as long as they don't drop below 10% of their birth weight then everything is fine.  Well of course I was freaking out that she was already down to 7% and that's why I kept freaking out about breastfeeding.  By Friday (day of discharge) she was back up to 6lbs, 13oz.  Whew!

The other thing we were were dealing with while in the hospital was when Olivia was born her labias were very red/swollen/firm and had some extra "tissue" in between her labias.  The first couple days the doctors thought it was just some swelling from birth.  On Friday though, the pediatrician that saw her (Dr. Casemore) thought that maybe something else was going on and wanted to look a little more into it.  She called her colleague, Dr. Bedford (who we ended up choosing for Livi's pediatrician) and Dr. Bedford contacted a pediatric endocrinologist at Children's (St. Paul).  He wanted Livi to have some more labs drawn and an ultrasound of her "girly parts" before we were discharged.  This was a little stressful for us since this could mean something is "wrong" with our perfect baby.  The ultrasound went well - and we got a phone call on Sat. from Dr. Casemore saying that everything was normal - she has all her "girly" that was a huge relief.

So finally - a little before 3pm we were officially discharged from United Hospital!  YEA!
Mommy seems extra excited to go home and Olivia looks like she's scared for her life!

Daddy calmed Livi down by swinging the car seat

Ready to Go!

Last look at our hospital room

Our first reaction to the carseat

Much better after daddy's help

On our drive home I got a phone call from my brother and surprise surprise - they were 30 min. south of St. Paul and heading up to see us and meet his new niece!  It was a nice surprise and I couldn't wait to show off Olivia, but on the flip side, I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed!  When we finally got to our house (we had to stop by Tim's parents to get Rylie) Alex & Mary were already there.  Tim was great and after an hour or so, he took Alex & Mary out to get dinner and was gone for about 1 1/2 hours and I was able to take a nap.  Then that night Alex and Mary said they were staying at some friend's house in downtown Minneapolis - that was great!  They would come back on Sat. to visit but it was nice to know that we had our first night to ourselves.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vanessa, our night nurse, came in around 11:30pm to get things started.  She had to draw some blood for labs and start my IV.  I've always had pretty good veins but for some reason she could not get anything from my veins.  I got poked 4-5 times for labs & PIV start.  =(  I had a pretty gnarly bruise on my left forearm to prove it!  She checked my cervix again and I was still only 3cm but she said that she could feel Olivia still "floating" way up high in her bag of fluid.  I was very confused.  I thought my water had broke.  She (and the doctor who was on for the night) said I had a "high leak" in my amniotic sac and they may have to break my water for me, again, to get things going.  First they were going to start my IV with Pitocin to get my contractions going and see if that did the trick.  Pitocin was started at 12:20am.  Wow - that medication is powerful.  I definatly felt those contractions coming then!  I wanted to hold off as long as I could for the epidural and I asked Vanessa when is the earliest they put it in - she said about 4cm. 

By 2am my water still had not broke.  The doctor came in and broke it for me - and that's what I thought your water breaking was supposed to feel like - a huge gush came out of me!  Lots of liquid!!!  And then the contractions really came on.  I was getting very uncomfortable but still only 3 cm.  Vanessa offered me to sit in the rocking chair, or go for a walk, or sit on a birthing ball.  I chose a birthing ball - I had been sitting on one at home for the last couple weeks in hopes of opening up my hips for birth.  She brought one in and lined in with lots of absorbent pads (because I was still leaking a lot of fluid) and I sat on it.  It hadn't even been 10 minutes and I had the contraction of all contractions!  It was so painful!!!!  I was shaking so bad, I couldn't talk, and just was moaning.  Tim kept saying "push the nurse button" but I was so frozen in pain.  It was time for the epidural!  During this contraction I created a lake on the floor around me - my amniotic fluid just kept gushing out.  It was impressive!  When Vanessa came in I think she was surprised on the amount of fluid around me on the floor - like I said, it was a lake!  I told her I was ready for the epidural and she went to get the anesthesiologist (who happened to be awake and doing another epidural on the floor).

Around 3am the wonderful drug man (anesthesiologist) arrived and got all set up.  Vanessa was helping me sit on the edge of my bed, hunching over, the anesthesiologist behind me working on my back, and the charge nurse was in the room too just helping out.  Getting the epidural was actually more painful then I thought.  I was crying out in pain and he said he kept hitting a nerve because my right leg kept twitching.  As this was all going on, Tim was sitting up in the chair bed (in front of me) and we all hear him moan and then fall forward onto the arm rest of the chair bed and then slump back in the chair bed - passed out cold!  As he was falling back into the chair bed, his arms kept rhythmically jerking - like a seizure.  It was actually pretty scary to watch.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and the charge nurse ran over to him to help him out.  He was only unconscious for about 10-15 seconds and then he woke up, in quite a daze and was as white as the white sheets on the bed!  Once he was back awake, the anesthesiologist kept going on my epidural and the other nurse was helping Tim - putting cold wash clothes on his head/neck, getting him some juice to drink, bringing a fan in to blow on him.  Poor guy does not do well with hospital stuff.  

After the epidural was in I was a whole new person!  I didn't feel any pain anymore - it was wonderful!  =)  Tim went to sleep almost right away - a deep deep, almost comatose sleep.  I remember asking Vanessa to check on him to make sure he was still breathing once.  Vanessa put a foley catheter in me around 4am (since I would not be able to get up and go to the bathroom anymore with the epidural in).  I finally fell asleep from about 4:30am-6am.  Both Tim & I had been awake since 5am on Monday and were exhausted.  At 6am, Vanessa came to check my cervix and I was 6 cm.  I was a little disappointed - only progressed 3 cm in about 8 hours!  All I kept thinking was this could take forever!

The day nurse, Nicole, came in around 7:30am along with the doctor on for the day, Dr. Callanan to introduce themselves.  Nicole came back at 7:45am and checked my cervix - and a surprise to me - I was 10cm.  I even said to her "are you serious?".  So she went out and started bringing all kinds of "stuff" into the room to prepare for delivery.  I remember just looking at Tim thinking I can't believe we're going to have a baby soon!  By 8:15am I started to push with each contraction.  The epidural was working great and I couldn't feel any pain, just the pressure of the contractions.  I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed.  Nicole said the baby had lots of dark hair!  A resident was also involved in my care and he would periodically come in and check on me too.  Everyone kept telling me I was pushing great but that baby just was not coming down.  I pushed for 2 1/2 hours and by 10:45am Dr. Callanan came in and said that Olivia wasn't progressing enough and didn't think she would, so in her opinion she thought I needed a C-section!  All that hard work for nothing is what I thought!  Tim & I both listened to her reasonings and explanations and agreed to the c-section.

Once I signed that consent it was like a whirlwind in my room.  People were taking all the equipment out that Nicole had brought in for the birth, I was getting meds left and right - by mouth, through my IV, through my epidural.  We were rolling down the hall to the OR by 11am I think!  It was so fast!  They got me all prepped in the OR and then brought Tim in.  He was dressed all in OR scrubs too - I had to laugh because he always jokes that he's a doctor and now he was finally dressed like one!  =)  They brought a stool over for him to sit on right next to my left ear & in front of the blue "screen" they created so we couldn't see what was going on with the surgery.  Someone asked him if he would like to stand up and see when Olivia was coming out and he said "NO" very quickly.  No one wanted him passing out again and he knew his limits!  

I didn't even realize that they had started cutting into me (again loving that epidural - which they either increased a lot or changed drugs because now I really couldn't feel or move anything where as before I could still move my legs).  Someone said at one point "ok we're almost to the uterus and then we'll have the baby out" and I remember thinking when did they even cut me open!  When Olivia came out (11:37am) Tim was brave enough to stand up and look at her quickly over the blue screen.  She was crying from the get go!  The doctors discovered she had her cord wrapped around her neck twice and the way she was facing in the birth canal was, as the doctors called it, "sunny side up".  I guess most babies when they are being born vaginally their faces are facing your tail bone & that makes it easier to come through the birth canal.  Olivia was facing up towards my pelvic bone.  They thing between her cord and the way she was facing she would have never progressed in normal labor.  

Olivia's APGAR scores were good - 8 at birth & 9 at the 5 minute mark.  She weighed in at 7lbs, 3.6oz and was 20 inches long.  Her head (OFC) was 13in (I think).  She had a ton of dark hair!  I couldn't believe it!

After they did all her measurements and wiped her down a little, they handed Olivia to me so I could see her.

I held her for a few minutes and then Tim & Olivia headed to the nursery.  I was left in the OR and was getting "put back together".  I remember the anesthesiologist asking me how I was doing and if I was in any pain and I said no.  As soon as I said no I remember feeling all kinds of pain.  I started yelling "Oww, oww, OWW!"  Everyone, including myself, was surprised by this.  I remember the doctors telling me that they were stopping what they were doing until my pain was under control & the anesthesiologist kept pushing Fentanyl into my IV.  I just remember me crying out "oww" and the anesthesiologist kept saying "pushing 1 of Fentanyl.....pushing 2 of Fentanyl.....pushing 2 more of Fentanyl...pushing another 1 of Fentanyl".  I asked him at one point how many micrograms of Fentanyl was he giving me!  He told me not to worry about it.  My pain was finally under control enough for them to finish stitching me back up.  By this time I had awful cotton mouth from the oxygen mask I was wearing which I'm sure they had to turn up after all my extra Fentanyl.  I kept moving my mask away to wipe my mouth and the anesthesiologist kept saying "Jen, you need to keep the oxygen mask on...I just gave you a lot of Fentanyl".  It was not the most wonderful ending to my procedure.  I still don't know what happened - why I felt all that pain all of a sudden.  Did the epidural stop working for some reason?  Did they turn it down?  They gave me a medication through my epidural that was a long acting pain medication - did that mess something up?

I was taken to the recovery room and was very loopy.  I don't remember too much until Tim brought Livi into the room in her basinette to see me - that was about 1:30pm.  I was so Fentanyl drunk for the next couple hours.  I remember Tim's parents coming and seeing me in the recovery room but I don't remember much else.  I remember throwing up after I was able to drink some water - not fun with fresh stitches & staples.  I remember calling family members to tell them that Olivia was here but those conversations were very difficult for me to get out - I could not focus on what I was saying.  I was taken to my postpartum room by 2pm and slept for a little while.  

Getting checked out in the nursery

This picture makes her look like she's about 5 feet long!

First Bath in the nursery

The nurse gave her a little mohawk

All cleaned and ready to go see mommy in the recovery room

That evening, my mom & stepdad (Grandma & Grandpa Harrison) and Tim's sister & brother-in-law (Annie & Jason) came to visit.  I was a little more lucid that evening for the visitors.  I ended up getting up for a short walk late that evening too with lots of help from my nurse and LPN.  It was weird to be on the patient end of this relationship - being so dependent on my RN for help.  She had to help me to the bathroom and even get cleaned up.  

We decided to keep Olivia in our room all night and not send her to the nursery.  I have decided to breast feed and so the nurses would just have to bring her in every time she wanted to eat anyways.  Plus, I didn't like the idea of not having her near me.  I mean she was inside me for 9+ months and now that she was out - I didn't want her very far away.  Tim went to sleep before 10pm - remember that we had both been up since 5am on Monday with little sleep since.  We were both so exhausted.  Olivia had different plans - she was awake/fussy until about 3:30am.  I let Tim sleep that night and I stayed up with Livi.  I remember at one point the nurse asked me if I wanted her to take Olivia to the nursery - and as easy as it would have been to say "YES" and declined and just held/rocked my baby in my bed.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I went to work today - had a 12 hr shift and was going to be in charge.  I told Tim that I was actually excited to be in charge today so hopefully I wouldn't have to run around like crazy.  I was so very uncomfortable - 39 weeks, 4 days.  The Friday before at my doctor's appointment, Dr. Miller stripped my membranes and I had been having thick discharge all weekend but it had slowed down by Sunday afternoon.  I wore a pad to work today just in case and noticed that the drainage had increased again throughout the day.  However, now it was more thin and watery but still looked like the mucus discharge I had had all weekend.  I of course had a busier day then I had hoped and by 5pm I was exhausted, I was having what I thought was very strong braxton-hicks contractions and the drainage was increasing.  People at work could tell I was uncomfortable and I told everyone when I left I was going to call United Birth Center and see what they thought.  When I called the Birth Center I talked to a triage nurse, told her my story, and she thought I should come in and just get "checked out".  I called Tim next (as I'm still driving home) and told him he better put some clothes on because we were headed to the hospital.  We packed the car with our bags - "just in case" - but I really didn't think I was going to get admitted that night.  We checked into triage at 9:15pm.  I went back to an exam room, without Tim (per their policy), and waited.  When a nurse came in she hooked me up to the monitor, checked my cervix (3cm dilated), and then swabbed my va-jay-jay with a q-tip to check to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid.  The nurse didn't think it was amniotic fluid but sure enough, after 5 minutes it was very faintly positive.  She double checked the results with a second RN and they both agreed - my water had broke.  Tim was brought back to my triage room by this time and we were told we were getting admitted.  We were taken to our labor room by 10:15pm but the floor was very busy and the charge RN came in and apologized for the wait but there probably wouldn't be a nurse coming in until after 11pm (shift change).  I was fine with that - gave me time to digest what was happening, call work to tell them that sure enough I wasn't coming in the next day, we both called our parents to let them know what was going on (Tim had to let his dad know to drive up to our house and get poor Rylie - left there by herself!) and started to prepare for parenthood.